Рубрика: Հետազոտական աշխատանքներ

Հետազոտական աշխատանքի թեմաներ 2024-2025 ուստարվա համար

1, Impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.

2, Privacy concerns in the digital age.

3, Impact of cultural diversity on national identity

4,Effectiveness of online learning platforms.

5, Inclusive education practices for students with disabilities.

6, Role of critical thinking in modern education.

7, Cross-cultural studies on personality traits.

8, Innovation strategies in competitive markets.

9, Leadership styles and their impact on organizational culture.

10, Psychological factors influencing impulse buying behavior.

11. Effectiveness of influencer marketing on consumer perceptions and brand loyalty

12. Brand loyalty in the era of digital transformation.

13. Strategies for targeting Generation Z consumers.

14. Cross-cultural marketing strategies: Case studies of successful campaigns.

15. Gender differences in communication styles and their effects on relationships.

16. Cultural differences in approaches to resolving relationship conflicts.

17. Parent-child relationships and their influence on adult romantic relationships.

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